Saturday, March 12, 2011


Well done everyone! I'm really impressed with the level of insight you showed during this unit. You should be proud of the effort you put forth in these blog entries.

With Friday evening's deadline now concluded, all entries which were completed by Saturday at 4:30 p.m. have been graded and recorded. I will no longer be referencing this page.

Good luck the remainder of the year.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

LAST POST: The Essential Questions!! (Due Friday evening)

So here we are---at the end of our time together once again. Good food, good discussions, GREAT blogging! I couldn't be happier! So, with our two weeks of reading and discussion nearly behind us, the last discussion topic should be an easy one!

For the last two weeks, I have posted two questions on the white board every day and have tried to bring our discussions back to these questions that helped to guide us through this very brief unit. Now, I want to see how you answer them.

So, once again, here are the two unit essential questions. Please respond to at least one of the two questions.

1. How does the novel HUCK FINN teach tolerance and equality?

2. In what ways does the novel parallel society today?

If you can reference any of the events from the last section of reading to illustrate your point(s), even better!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

ENTRY #5: The Duke & the King (due Tuesday evening)

These two knuckleheads dominate a very large part of the middle/back end of the novel. They start out as humorous, silly con-artists who concoct crazy schemes to get a few extra bucks, and at first their actions are rather harmless. However, as the days pass and their tricks become more and more complicated, they almost transform into a pair of villains. So, the question I pose to you is this: why did Twain include them in this adventure of Huckleberry Finn's? What role are they supposed to be playing in the grand design of this novel, and do you believe Twain is suggesting anything or making any generalizations by his inclusion of these two bozos in his novel?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

ENTRY #4: HUCK & JIM'S RELATIONSHIP (Due Thursday evening)

After having finished half of the book, how would you categorize the relationship between Huck and Jim? Is it a friendship? Is it a father/son relationship? Is it a relationship based on their being equals while on the river together, or is one of them more dominant than another?

*Note: students on the Disney trip will be excused from the Thursday deadline for this particular blog. It will be extended to Monday evening. Everyone else is held to the Thursday deadline.